2022 Alumni Social Event
On June 23, 2022, after a hiatus due to COVID-19, our Alumni Social Event was held in the Arlington Auditorium. We were grateful for everyone who attended, and hope to continue the fun tradition of seeing all of our alumni gathering to reminisce. The Arlington Education Foundation has determined that moving forward this will become a Bi-Annual event, so we will see everyone in 2024!
If any alumnus or talented event planner would enjoy being a part of the committee to assist in planning/executing the next event, please contact Erin Reed!
It’s time to start thinking about attending the 2014 Alumni Banquet.
The banquet will be held on Saturday, June 28th at the Arlington City Auditorium.
The Hall of Fame recipient for 2014 is Doug Chappelear “1974”.
The Marian Wilkins Community Service Award recipients are:
Rusty Hilgenkamp “1978” and Kevin Schutt.
Honored Classes:
1939, 1944, 1954, 1964, 1974, 1984, 1989.
Be looking for your invite. They will be going out in April if you haven’t received one by the end of April please contact us on this web site.
We really wish/hope that you all would consider attending. It would be so nice to see you.
Hi All,
A.E.F has purchased a software program specifically designed for foundations. This new software will enable us to send out reports to those of you that have donated during the fiscal year for tax purposes. It will also enable YOU to access your account so you will be able to run a report for tax purposes. In order to meet that goal we need your help with accessing your email addresses.
If you are willing to share your email address would you please send it to:
We ask that it includes your mailing address so we can update for correspondence if needed. (We had quite a few invitations returned for the banquet and that is quite costly).
If you have any other Alums email addresses would you let them know about our new mission. It would be much appreciated.
Hope this finds you all well.
Over the past years at the Alumni Banquet, I have watched as so many alums see each other for the first time in years and how their faces light up with joy. But it was the 2012 banquet that had the biggest impact, when Dallas Opfer came up to me and asked who this specific couple was sitting two tables away from him. When I told him that it was Keith and Maxine Meier his eyes lit up and he was off his chair in a nano-second, bee lining it to Keith and Maxine. I thought, "How odd." And that was when the light bulb went off, like so many alums that were in the room, Dallas had worked at the nursery while growing up, and we had a story.
I ruminated on this idea for a year and half and then I got the phone call that George Marshall, my next door neighbor for all the time I grew up in Arlington passed in November of 2013. There was/is NO more time for ruminating and I started going into action. I immediately contacted Keith and Maxine Meier, told them what I wanted to do, and asked them for their help. Keith, Maxine and their children jumped on board and now we are on a mission.
The Marshall Nursery project will be used as a fundraiser for A.E.F.'s scholarship fund. I want alums that worked at the nursery at one time or another to tell their story. I will then compile all of them, edit and have the project printed to sell. The Washington County Historical Association Museum (could that name be any longer!!!) has contacted me and have offered their services. The key is to make sure that the word is out to those who want to participate. My biggest concern with this project is having it printed and hearing that someone who would have loved to participate feelings are hurt because they weren't contacted. So I am asking all the alums who worked at the nursery to help out and spread the word as there is NO way that I know all of you.
This is what I am looking for:
When you were hired, how long you worked there.
Who hired you?
How much were you making an hour? (This is always comical)
Who you worked for and with.
Did you work on or have any knowledge of any landscaping jobs.
Does your family have a history with the nursery? If so, share any memories.
What was your job?
Any history or story you would like to share.
Any pictures or nursery memorabilia you would like to share.
It is my feeling that the nursery is Arlington's legacy it is the biggest reason that Arlington was self-sustaining for years. The nursery is an incredible example of entrepreneurship that needs to be written so it is not forgotten.
On that I will close with my own story. I have a Dutch elm tree in my back yard that I adore as it reminds me of my childhood in Arlington and it provides so much shade in those scorching days of summer. In the spring of 2012 I noticed there was something wrong with the way it was greening up. Remembering the 60's and the demise of all the Dutch elm trees in Arlington caused by Dutch elm disease I talked a gentleman from the Forestry Dept. at UNL to come look at it. After he told me it was fine (wouldn't you know it) I told him of my paranoia because of what had happened in my home town in the 60’s. He then asked me where I was from; I told him Arlington which he replied "Marshall Nursery". I was stunned, this gentleman was in his late 40's early 50's and he knew about the nursery that at one time was one of the leading nurseries in the mid-west.
Deadline is July 31, 2015.
If you would like to participate please contact me:
Lissa Spangler
E-mail: rae1@inebraska.com
Home: 402-475-4311
Cell: 402-525-1476
Wishing you all a Happy, Healthy and Blessed New Year.
Stay in Arlington this New Years Eve and help The Arlington Education Foundation bring in the New Year by attending their Gala Dec. 31, 2013 at the Arlington City Auditorium. A sit down dinner will be served at 7:30 P.M. featuring a prime rib dinner, dancing to QuickPro DJs from 9:00P.M. to 1:00 A.M., party favors and champagne at midnight.
Need a baby sitter? The Arlington Community Church Youth are offering their services as a fundraiser. Contact Pastor John Hogue 402-478-4447.
Tickets are ADVANCED ONLY and on sale for $40.00 per person at Two Rivers Bank, Arlington High School 402-478-4171, Michelle Reed 402-478-4143 and Mike Baker 402-478-5369. Table accomodations will be made for groups, doors will open at 6:00 P.M.
Business casual and Semi Formal dress is engouraged. Just come and have fun with us and help us raise money for the Arlington Education Foundation scholarship fund. Your kids are our business.
AEF Has A New Website!
Welcome Arlingtonites to the new the website for the Arlington Education Foundation!
We are very excited to have worked with a local company and an Arlington Alum to bring you this new website. Sharproot Media, co-founded by Nick Schreck (class of ’07) has done an amazing job of supplying the foundation with a clean, functional website that we will be able to keep updated with all sorts of great news and activities.
Please check back often to see the latest scholarship recipients, our local events that benefit APS and other amazing news from YOUR Arlington Education Foundation.